Green credentials

Feeling better, so got involved in a working party to take down the Xmas lights from the Main Street of the village today - about 15 trees, plus the Xmas tree. This is appallingly early for Ireland, there's usually a rush on just before Easter to get the tree down and lights might stay for goodness knows how long, but then not every village has Mrs O, who seriously organizes and gets things done here! All the lights were coiled properly, tied and checked to see if they were January, otherwise they were off for repair - crikey how sensible is that?
This dilapidated old house is hiding behind the village shop , I wonder if it would fit the new village Eco charter with its locally sourced natural materials? It's probably got more green credentials than our Poriton blocks from Europe!
Members meeting this afternoon- always good for a few strong opinions and tiffs, lots of going off the points and 'I only want to say........'
and then the pub.

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