Random Musings

By RandomMusing

We are going to the zoo

Well actually we went, today to be specific. Wee B has been finding naps hard going so it was off to the truck to have a nap on the move while we headed off to Oakland Zoo for a couple of hours.

He had a blast and was especially taken with the parrots, and had a special treat when we were at the chimp enclosure, when one of the chimps came up to the glass and tried to share his fruit. Wee B loved it.

By far his favourite section was in the children's area, where they have goats, sheep and pigs. Wee B got to brush and stroke them all, and was particularly taken with this chap who loved to climb, despite the notice on the steps that says not too.

It is such fun taking Wee B here now that he can really enjoy himself

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