It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

Thinking Time

I had a fleeting time in spotlight yesterday so thank you for all the stars and things..Thanks too for the new subs too.

Today we went late to the park and wandered down to the Leg of Mutton pond again, as SueL7 is not there to protect it, we felt we should just keep an eye on things. The deer were trying to cross the water inlet, but were very hesitant. A cross country run route was being prepped and I think there were just too many strange smells for their liking.

As a consequence as the run started, the views were speckled with fushia and other non natural colours, not great for a landscape. On the way back I spotted this guy deep in thought. For this is the place to clear your mind, I love it.

Off to the pictures later so comments will be sporadic...

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