
Fighting an inclination to stay put in the Dower House when the outside looked so bleak and inhospitable, His Lordship and I drove on roads that resembled streams, past fields that looked like miniature lakes, to reach Stobo Castle and make a booking for 5 daughters and me to have an autumn spa pampering session in recognition of the great number of rings that daughter#1 and I will have on our teeth then.

I was amused to see HL turning pale as he passed the present Spa pampered ones in their less than seductive huge white towelling robes. I think these robes may be a ploy to make one feel so ugly, that a massage and a pluck here and there can only improve matters. He tells me he has never seen so many woman gathered in the one place and found it so daunting, that when we had a light lunch in the café, he had his chair steadfastly turned away from the female gathering.

With the good news that I don't have to pay a deposit until August, the sun came out and we had a lovely stroll through the grounds of the Japanese Water Garden to blip the waterfall there.

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