mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis

Yikes! Another emergency blip!

I could have taken some lovely shots today - it was such a sunny day but spent the day at the bottle bank, taking wrong stair gates back, food shopping.. (You get that these were three different places - right?) Then working out, then slobbing out!!

Now, after eating dinner, I've come back into the room we call the 'Green room' because it's well.. painted green..
It's where our gym equipment is and a small tv connected to a separate sky + box so I can watch other programmes when the other tv has been commandeered by husband/son/futureSIL for their football! Of course the idea is that I use the treadmill/bike/crosstrainer/rower while in there... *looks guiltily at ceiling*
It is the last room in our house that needs decorating. The window shutters were nailed shut and we've released them but they need ironwork and painting and the carpet in there is awful.., but the room is so full (aforementioned equipment, two leather knoll sofas, a large bookcase/dresser etc. it's going to be a major job and we just haven't got around to it!
We've lived here twelve and a half years..
No rush.. ;-)

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