Al Contemplates His Creation

Al is on a cooking roll at the moment! He cooked this really fantastic Victoria Sponge.

Betsy & I went for our usual 6 mile ride around the park early this morning. Though we were there by 9 it was busy - lots of dog walkers and families walking and cycling. There was also a 10k run going on. I love seeing the park so full of life at the weekends - almost as much as I love how empty it is when I run and cycle there during the week.

Our SMP today was Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes. Betsy has just discovered and therefore fallen in love with the current BBC Sherlock so wasn't that impressed - its Cumberbatch or nothing for her. I hadn't seen it before and was a bit underwhelmed. For all its manic editing and fast-paced dialogue, I actually found it a bit slow.

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