Pointing .....

..... at satellites.

I've had a busy day at work and have been out for a friend's birthday meal this evening but had half an hour in between to take advantage of the lovely clear skies this evening and pop down the road to a nearby field to do a bit of geeky satellite spotting.

There were a couple of nice Iridium satellite flares in the half hour I was out. This is a photo of the flare from Iridium 72 just before 6pm this evening. I stood there for 30 seconds pointing to the spot in the sky where the flare was due to appear and like magic it did, I still get a thrill every time I see one. It was blooming freezing out and I hadn't bothered putting a coat or gloves on and my hands were frozen by the time I got home. The curry this evening helped warm me up though.

You can read about Iridium satellite flares here and there are a few more of my satellite blips here. It's been a while since I've blipped a geeky satellite photo so today's blip is .....

..... Pointing at satellites.

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