These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Halloween fun!

Today was my long day working so the kids got to enjoy a fun filled day with Grammy and Papa! After the kids got home, we played for a bit and I got to present Tyler with his Halloween costume! He's going to be SuperWhy and he was so thrilled to see that his costume came complete with a mask! He put on the costume and was thrilled the rest of the evening!

My sis and her fam came over for a French Toast dinner and after dinner, the kids worked on some Halloween necklaces!

Besides typing today, I spent a good part of the day working on Mia's birthday preparations and posters and flyers for our presence in the homecoming parade on Friday night. Josh talked me into signing up and so I've been busy figuring out decor and making signs!

Now, I'm completely wiped out and heading to bed! Goodnight everyone!

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