My Desk

This is My Desk....I figured that this would do as a good first post because what you see in the photo is an important area when it comes to design, studying, college, learning, self-discipline, and even the occasional gaming for me. These two desks are just two of many others in the Landscape Architecture Department here at school. In the background of the photo one can see some of the other student's desk; some messy, some clean. An extremely important component to these few square feet is the chair. Although it is not a great chair, it is not the worst and it has held up to many hours throughout the day and many countless nights of rolling around going from one desk to the other helping me get projects done. Also, one of the more important things I think would be to have a clean, organized desk to work on. This goes for anything really. I stress as well as many other people stress when there is a cluttered work space. This area has been mine for one semester so far, and I have one more to go until I will no longer have this nice set up surrounded by my friends that I have made while studying in the LA department.

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