As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

The North Shore

So much love for my ladies in this picture.

I slept in today for the first time in ages. Also most likely the last time for a few weeks.

I had an interview for Gettysburg this afternoon. It went really well and I could definitely see myself there.

Home to walk the dog before tutoring.

Best part of the day. I drove allllll the way up to Glen Head to run with Stacie and Alex. I got there around 5:30 and we ran for just under an hour. The North Shore is beautiful. We did some strides before heading back in to relax. Alex went home to eat but Agatha and Lloyd said I could stay for dinner. I probably would have passed out due to hunger on the drive home if I hadn't eaten anything. Agatha made a lovely meal of steak and potatoes and we watched some horrifying thing on Dateline about a crazy car crash. Dinner, clementines, ice cream, and wonderful conversation. I wish Alex could've stayed longer, but I'm sure we'll all be hanging out a lot soon.

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