Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

Comfort Touring

This is what's printed on the bar of the bicycle. Comfort Touring. Because it has now been a over a handful of years since we've gotten her down to ride her, I had forgot this special little detail. With great effort, at first, we attempted to shove off. It felt like the tires were flat. There was no umph at all in her. Well, OK, it appears there was no umph at all in US. We didn't give up, however, and once we both pushed off together...with was as easy as remembering how a bike!

Gramma Pat caught us riding along, as she and her sweetie (otherwise known to us as 'dad') were out for a cruise of their own. Much less effort going into their rendition of a Sunday drive, however.

Our inspiration for today's ride came from our dear Sarah, who has set the bar high, and inspires me every day! So, Sarah, we've done it! We got the bike down and we rode it. However, I'm not sure it counts. You see, we only rode a little over a mile, and we rewarded our efforts with some treats afterward. You did say your start was slow, so I’m hoping ours will grow into a regular, intentional bit of exercise that will strengthen us and make us generally healthier in the meantime.

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