I'm Just Looking

By Quigs


Waterblasted the pergola today as it looked like rain so no painting on the agenda although I did manage to eye a gap in the weather this afternoon. I shot up the ladder to do the edges of the roof that I'm too scared to do when I'm up on top - who was to know that the gap in the weather coincided with one of the larger earthquakes in recent times. I could feel and even hear it coming and when it hit was wondering whether I should scramble down or hang on. I chose the latter but would have quickly changed my mind if it went on much longer. No damage near us as it was centred about 135km north of here - thinking of everyone up that way. It's very nerve wracking.

Blip is an emergency blip really as I'm not fussed on going too far now. This is a vase I bought my dearly beloved for Christmas.

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