Blue Monday

That is what the Dutch Weather Bureau calls it, or, rather, that is what they say it is called. Every year, this particular Monday always ends up cold, grey and wet. I have not taken note but, if that is true, then this Monday is no exception. Somehow, that makes it 'forgiveable'.

Shot this after having picked up Carmela from the garage for her annual APK (in the UK it's called an MOT and in Germany a TUV, and I don't know what the term is anywhere else, or even if they have it anywhere else). For those who don't know, it's the official annual check-up your vehicle needs to have. As soon as the garage judges your vehicle to be roadworthy (everything has to be in good working condition), they inform the relevant authorities. Otherwise, should you be caught on the road, you will definitely get a sizeable fine.

I know for a fact that the house on the left used to belong to an alderman (actually alderwoman) who's now mayor in another municipality not too far away. It was for sale for quite a long time and even now I'm not sure anyone is living there. Typical rich man's townhouse. Every time someone tells me they want to live in something like that, my comment is invariably "Gosh! So much cleaning to do!"

Camera in 'Painting mode', in case you're wondering why the image is like this. Very handy for when it's cloudy and grey.

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