just sitting,

By justsitting

old and new

I love finding these old painted shop signs, and I liked the mix of old and new here.

The girls are still away and the house is so quiet, but we are having a very nice time together. It will be great to see them tomorrow morning when they return and hear all about their adventures with Granny, Aunty Katy and Uncle Trevor. Today they were going to be horse riding and them swimming, so I am sure they would very obediently gone off to bed tonight.

E and I went down town to spend some vouchers that I got for my birthday, I got new bag for cycling to work with. okay, lets call it my man bag....:-). We then went to Waterstones where I got the girls a book each. R got 'Who's in the Loo?' It is one of my favorite childrens books.
It starts with
Who's in the Loo, There's a very Long Queue, Is it an elephant having a poo.?
I hope see likes it.

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