Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Its a Twister

Somehow this building never ceases to amaze me.

Who thinks of these things and more importantly....if you reside in do you get your furniture to fit? We actually have a friend who does happen to live here on one of the upper floors so think a visit is in order, just to satisfy my curiosity!

Not only does it seems disconcerting for the people who live in it....what about the neighbours in the adjoining...very straight....building. Wonder if they ever wake after a night on the town and have a seizure when they look out of their window!

Dubai is awash with fascinating structures....there is even a pagoda which I think has been swamped by new builds in and around the Satwa area....some Tudor houses, complete with black beams, out near the Police College....but my two favourites have to be the golf balls on the outskirts of Dubai. They are definitely on my list of "soon to be" blips!!

Happy Blipping Everyone

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