Garden of Forked Paths

By ForkedPaths365


A very long and tiring 10 1/2 hr day today.

An emotionally draining drop-in session followed by hours and hours in the office sorting stuff out. Including the publicity for our SleepOut this weekend.

A very emancipated & vulnerable 16yr old girl came in to the session this morning and my heart broke when I saw the state she was in... The young ones really get to me, still, even after all these years doing the job.

Today's lesson is to cherish your kids. Be thankful that they're ok. Don't abandon them when it gets tough. They're so very fragile no matter how big a front they put on.

16 yr olds should be safe at home with parents who actually care :(

Photo snapped at the end of the working day at our footie training. Our players are bloody lethal - I got whacked with a sodding hard football right in my thigh whilst I was hiding behind the sodding door... I swear he aimed right at me :o


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