
By tookie

Rat City Roller Girls!

Big R came up with a totally different idea for us to try. A night at the girls roller skating games at the Key arena....I was all for trying it out--well --watching that is ha ha.

It was a total hoot---with four teams playing one bout each. The rules were explained and how the game went so we could follow the action. It wasn't as rough as I'd feared it might be. Quite entertaining actually. The half time entertainment was hilarious---three cheerleaders---one guy in drag. the announcers were funny and the refs skated well with a couple in fashionable kilts. Some names of the players were hilarious---like Nehi Nightmare, Muffstache, MayJa Look, Tempura Tantrum , Sister Slaughter and Moe YaDown. Many families were in attendence and the kids seemed to enjoy the punk music a lot. Seemed to me a better form of entertainment than playing videos for the night.

So just a very different evening from our normal snoozer ha ha. Have a wonderful weekend. Thanks Big r for coming up with a winner:)

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