
By BethAndCo

Conjunctivitis :-(

Eva woke around 5am with a slightly raised temperature, I gave her some calpol and lots of milk, but she wouldn't settle. I could have kicked myself after 45 minutes when I checked her nappy, should have done that in the first place. Clean nappy on, Eva went straight back to sleep and slept til 7.30, which coincided nicely with me just finishing getting myself ready. Her temperature was fine by this time.

Her eyes were all gunked and stuck together and she was rubbing them lots, but the doctors didn't open til 8.30, so I got her ready incase they had an appointment straight away, and waited to call them. The earliest one they'd got was 10.20 am. I'd already called the nursery to fill them in and ask about their conjunctivitis policy, they said as long as she was receiving treatment, she was fine to go in, so I said all being well (if the doc says she's ok) we'll be in later after the doctors.

Eva was prescribed some drops and the doctor was so lovely. I relayed our weekend to him and he said I'd done everything right, said all you can do really is manage the temperature, and if it's coming down just keep giving the calpol. He said no more than 4 doses in 24 hours, so can alternate with ibuprofen if need more, which I knew. He explained again about the viral rash and even drew me a diagram of blood vessels and blood travelling through that attaches to organisms or something. He also re confirmed that cough mixtures are a waste of both time and money. So, feeling reassured of my Mommy skills, and that I hadn't let Eva down this weekend, off we went to the chemist and then to nursery.

The nursery called me at 4.30pm to ask if I could go and get Eva. She'd been relatively ok for most of the day, she hadn't got a temperature and had slept quite a bit, but was now starting to look very poorly, so could I come? Oh my poor baby girl when I got there, she was lay asleep in Debbie's arms sucking her num nums and clutching snuggle bunny in one hand and Iggle Piggle in the other. I took her from Debbie and was talking, and Eva didn't even open her eyes when she must have heard my voice . Her whole face looked puffy and her eyes looked so sore and swollen, I could have cried myself seeing her. I couldn't thank them enough for taking such good care of her today, bathing her eyes, doing her drops and giving her cuddles on tap. I felt guilty all over again when I saw her, but they did reassure me that she'd been ok most of the day. They even took a pic of her playing in the sand with a little spade in one hand and Iggle Piggle in the other. It's attached to the diary entry they did for her today.

Today's nursery Daily Diary entry...

Date: 20/1/14
Key worker: Debbie
Parent comments: Sign for medicine, profile sheet, checked temperature-normal, 4.30pm gave Calpol
Breakfast: wasn't at nursery
Snack: wasn't at nursery
Lunch: macaroni cheese (ate most of) yoghurt (ate all)
Tea: chicken wraps (poorly, refused)
Bottles: after lunch refused, 3.20pm drank 5oz
Sleep: 1.00-1.50pm, 2.30-3.00 and on and off til mom arrived
Nappies: 12 (w) 12.20 (s) 4 (w)
Activities: Eva played with the homemade sand, she rubbed her hands in the sand and picked up a handful. Eva picked up the shells to look at.

Well, I told her I thought she was having us at it on the way out of the nursery, as she was all smiles all of a sudden, bouncing up and down in my arms all happy and she sat playing with her toys when we got back, whilst I carried on working. Despite the fact she could hardly open her eyes. (Today's pic - she actually looked a lot better in this pic than when I arrived at nursery to fetch her)

I'd had stew cooking in the slow cooker all day, and Eva polished off the whole of hers for her dinner. Then her daddy gave her her bath, she had lots of milk from Mommy, and was fast asleep in bed for 8pm. She has woke up coughing once, but I checked her nappy (hehe) gave her a cuddle, a little more milk and she snuggled straight back down to sleep. Xxx

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