
By CameraHappy

Empty Washer

When I'm in a routine, Monday is laundry day. Dirty clothes are sorted and washed in the automatic washer and then put in the dryer. There really is no need to have a laundry "day", as it is easy to toss in a load anytime.

In my growing up years, Monday was laundry day for Mom, and it did take up most of the day. Before we had hot running water in the house, it meant heating up the water on our wood-burning stove before pouring it by the bucketful into the wringer washing machine. After the whites were washed, in went the colored clothes, and lastly the very dirty clothes. And, then there was hanging the clothes on lines with wooden clothes pins, and finally the dampening, starching and ironing.

In comparison, my laundry day is simple. It's hardly even a chore to go from dirty to clean clothes, and I do so love the scent of freshly washed linens!

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