nadarsander 2000

By darsa

Mr. X

I made one big print and 3 smaller of the "Meat shop boys" (see 28th September), and took them to Hakaniemi market hall, where their shop is.
They were very happy. On my way to metro station I saw this man standing on the Hakaniemi square. I thought should I go and ask, if I can photograph him, but didn´t dare.
Went on my way towards Metro, but then I thougth,"What the hell, whý can´t I ask, there is nothing to loose".
Turned back, and asked I can photograph him. "Why not" he said. He was waiting for his wife to come fron work.
So I took a couple of photos, thanked and went back to Metro.
Now I think I should have got more out of him. And I forgot to ask his name.
Anyway I´m satisfied, that I took the photo, even though I´m not satisfied with the photo.

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