
By AfterDark


I took this Image on the 16th - 01 -2014: However I was not as impressed as I should've been at the time, and had plans to re-visit on better day with warmer lighting..

I had no idea at the time what this thing was called, i just felt intrigued and interested in it....

So My 1st name for this was Fertility because thats what my warped mind saw at 1st glance. ... large version here..

Research has now relieved that it has many other names ...

1. Virgin's Bower
2. Old man's beard
3. Devil's Hair
4. Love Vine
5. Traveller's Joy
6. Devil's Darning Needles (plant)
7. Wild Clematis
8. Woodbine
9. Wild hops

or the latin version... Clematis virginiana

I have re-visited today after freezing fog and frost and found a different picture HERE...


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