Life at Moonglow

By rheadrp

Day 21: Alpaca bean watch

This photo is courtesy of my husband, Don. He thought it was funny that I was sitting by the dining room window, looking out at the alpacas, waiting for them to poo so I could collect their "beans" for fecal samples. (Of course they never go when you want them to! ) I usually sit outside for this task, but with a 19 degree windchill, inside makes much more sense.

As soon as one "goes," I run outside, collect some in a baggie, scoop the rest up, put it in the bean basket for the compost heap, then run back inside just in time for another one to take his turn. Such happens for the five until I finally get them all collected and ready to be sent to the lab for testing. That's my morning, folks. How was yours? (Actually, I don't mind, knowing the end result will bring the boys together in one pasture!)

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