
By SorenT

Through the looking-glass

I worked for a long, long time today.
In-between essay writing I tried to get a bit more creative with my desk-bound photography. I've always loved the impressionists and how they subverted realism to add a greater depth of feeling to their work. Vibrant colours, distortion and reflections render unforgettably striking and beautiful scenes, like this Monet, San Giorgio Maggiore by Twighlight.

So, with the impressionist masters in mind, I experimented for a while using the materials available to me. In the end I managed to come up with this using my candles and a wine glass. Likes/Dislikes?
I love the colours - probably owing to the red/blue contrasts which really appeal to me. I also like how the form of the wine glass is almost reduced to outline, juxtaposed against the multiple expansive bokeh-y reflections.

On the small screen of my D3100 this looks fine - but on a bigger screen the image is noisier and lacks clarity and visual punch. Lower ISO is needed, and I really need to think about how light is working across the image, not just across the subject. Also this was a rather curtailed experiment owing to work, so naturally there's compositional work to be done here.

I'll have another go at some point because there are some things that irk me about this photo, but the effect as a whole is something I'm really interested in pursuing.

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