Ted with the old LP's!

We went up into the loft again this morning to try again to sort some stuff out to throw away and we came across my old LP's and records. Why am I keeping them I ask myself and I don't really know.

I think it is because it is a history of the music I have loved during my life from the Beatles when I was 12 years old. We only had a few records then and me and my twin sister used to play them over and over again so they are very well used. I loved Saturday Night Fever, Micheal Jackson and Genesis as well as many more and music has played a big part of my life.

Music now has moved on from LP's, Tapes, CD's, and now they are on our i-pads and phones, such a change of how we are listening to music and the music we are listening to is sometimes good but sometimes bad.

Ted enjoyed looking at the memory albums.

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