
Walked around the place this morning looking for odds and sods to blip. These two shovels are sitting side by side in the shed. The snow shovel hasn't been put away yet, and I wouldn't mind another snowfall. As you can see, someone has been digging in the dirt recently. Not me. Not quite time to start gardening.
As I was posting this, I got a phone call that made my week! A former student from the early 1980's called out of the blue. It's been a few years since I've heard from him and it was wonderful to hear his voice. He's teaching in Bella Bella on reserve, in a school with quite a few of my other former students. I remember that when he started teaching there 14 years ago, he told me that it was really hard to gain the trust of the students because teachers rarely stayed for more than a year. He's gained their trust. :) I know a little bit about the importance of gaining the trust of students, being a non-First Nations person working with First Nations students in a First Nations program.

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