48 hrs in ...

Ready for the off. It's still snowing, and cold outside, but hopefully today is the last time we will need jackets for 6 weeks.

Arriving in Aberdeen Airport, it took a few minutes to pick up on the anxious buzz. I glanced up at the departures board, and then looked properly, in horror, and the wall to wall yellow cancellation notices. The air traffice control systems across the country have packed up, and flights left, right and centre are cancelled. How lucky we are that of only 4 flights leaving Aberdeen this afternoon, one of them is ours. At least it was a scoosh getting through security - we were the only customers! Probably just as well - 3 laptops, 2 tablets, assorted phones, belts, shoes, bags, stuffed toys, liquids requiring put in bags - I think we took up 8 trays. Hoping we will get better as we go on, we will have to do this several more times.

As we took off, Elsie started to sob. She was missing home, missing everybody, I think it had all got a bit much - 48 hours on the road, and we were only just getting going. Amsterdam was a bit of a blur, only enough time to 'walk' on the moving pavements (greatly appreciated by all) to the next gate, go through security again (slightly more slickly this time), and board the Kenya Airways 777. Emma and I both heaved a big sigh of relief. We had got this far, the cabin crew spoke Swahili, and it felt like we were nearly home.

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