Change of plan

I'd already started packing prior to my move to Shuna's tomorrow, when J phoned to say that her holiday to warmer climes had had to be cancelled at the last minute due to her companion's health scare. She was very apologetic, but I don't mind at all - it's always a bit hectic doing two house-sits at the same time, especially when they are a car journey apart.

With that weight off my mind I set to making butternut squash, red pepper and chilli soup with a dollop of Philly thrown in to make it more creamy. I've frozen some and the rest will do me for lunch for the next few days.

This view towards Loch Lomond was taken from the viewpoint in Drymen. If you go large, you can see the mountains in the west covered in snow. I'm not surprised - it's much colder today.

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