Bits and Bobs!

By Kate64

Bus Challenge No 200!!!

Ok, it's actually Bus Challenge No 3, but it was the only way I could get the number 200 into today's blip!

To Bristol today and to the 12th century St Mary Redcliffe Church, once described by Queen Elizabeth 1 when she visited the church in 1574 as, "the fairest, goodliest and most famous parish church in England". I have walked/driven past this church thousands upon thousands of times, but have never stepped inside, until today! It may be just a parish church, but the building is comparable to many a cathedral. My visit today coincided with the first in their programme of weekly lunchtime organ concerts, so another day of heavenly music and sights.

Total bus journey time = 50 mins

200 days ago, I started blipping as a distraction from what was going on in my life at that time, now it has become an addiction! Thank you so much to all of you who take the time to look at my photos, or leave comments, it is very much appreciated.

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