Mmmmm.... coookies.....

Lots of cookies made today. These are choc chunk and were decidedly enormous. I had to get the bigger boxes out when packing them.

The weather today has been... umm... a wee bit bonkers. Thunder and lightning and pelting down at 6am, brilliant sunshine and blue skies at 1pm, snow falling (and settling for a time) and more thunder and lightning at 5pm.

There is a distinct possibility that we have exchanged contracts today. However, actually finding this out is a bit of a challenge. As of 3pm - I had sorted the insurance to start today, my solicitor was delighted and said she would sort exchange asap because everyone was ready to go. No messages since and I know it takes minutes once all is in place. Surely solicitors/estate agents should let you know the situation one way or the other as a courtesy rather than you having to chase them? I did try ringing but only got voicemail, which always sends me into Victor Meldrew mode. Firing out an email wouldn't add much to the daily grind would it?!? Eh well. I do know that we are still on for completion on Monday even if we end up doing an exchange and complete on the same day.

Finally starting to feel a bit excited.

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