
By CoffeePotter

Make it Snappy

Never smile at a crocodile

'Cos you can't get friendly with a crocodile

Don't be taken in by his awful grin

He's imagining how well you'll feel within his skin.

We live close enough to Stratford that in less than half an hour (including parking the car) we can get to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, so tonight we went to see Wendy and Peter Pan (it was our anniversary on Christmas Eve so this was my present to us both).
I can thoroughly recommend the show- it was fantastic, and where our seats were, most of the cast were flying over us at one time or another.
You cannot take photos during the production, which is quite sensible, so I took this Blip before it started - there were several giant mobiles hanging from the rigging, and this crocodile was one of them.

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