With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Another great catch

A footy morning as usual. Ben is back on form and gave a sterling performance. He has a lot more work to do in this other team, but it's going to do him a lot of good in the long run. Lets hope he keeps enjoying it.

It was such a beautiful day, especially after the rain and storms we've had, so we went straight to the beach for the afternoon. Lunch at Blindasabat's and the boys played happily with some friends we found there and a few crabs.

I've put a couple of others on the blog, one of which shows the amazing colours there were today, but in the end I kept finding myself choosing b+w. Sorry if you're desperate for blue skies.

It promises to be a good day tomorrow, and we're meeting our friends who are over from England, so maybe you'll get some then. For number 99. Pressure!

Have a great weekend everyone :)

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