Chick Flick

By Flick

Knock out

He's a champ believe me :)

I'd like to talk about pissed posting as opposed to pissed blipping

Pissed posting is where you have 3 glasses of wine and are happily uplaoding on the new blipfoto system and you gayly and abondonley apply hue saturation and contrst and stuff and believe me i found that fun no doubt tomorrow i'll have different thoughts
Now pissed blipping is when you are high on 2 glasses of wine and you think that every single picture you take is blooming marvellous and it aint this is why at the 2 recent weddings I neary touched a drop aint I wunnerful?
Don'answer that

Other news we replaced a modem as the internet kept crashing it seems to be behaving it self

and shy will load up soon I hope anyway hope yopu are all having a luverly weekend as indeed i am I got from the library some books on photography and ed talked to me about philosophy and he is going to allow me to read a book by rousseua aint i lucky? i'll shut up now ...byee

almost forgot please have a look at this This It's for mr Fyer but really everyone can have alook :)

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