
By tidaschu

Cats, I hate them!

I mean it's not the cats, it's more the people, especially girls but not only them... there are annoying cat-boys too, people who mainly talk about their mentally ill house cats.
I avoid them the same way I avoid those damn soccer fans or car freaks.

You know this folks, they are usually referring about what their hairy pets have in common with them... in my words, which symptoms of their mental disorder they are sharing.
Don't get me wrong, I love animals, not only well cooked, but also as pets or living in the wild. I was raised in a family who always had pets. Rabbits, dogs, horses, birds and yes, even cats. And I want to have pets. Some day... Or better when my children want them. But until than, I won't be living in a small flat in the middle of a big city and why should I chain myself to a pet? I will have children to take care of soon enough.

Those poor bastards I am talking about have no other chance then getting depressed. Think of it... No play buddies, no precinct to range through, no nice ladies or boys to pay a short visit. Just waiting the whole long day for your mommy or daddy to show them your catish cold shoulder. Being allowed to exist just to fulfill your owners sick needs. Would you like to live like that?

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