And delphiniums blue

By flynnet

Evelyn meets the rest of the family.......

Evelyn met my dad and sister Bridie and the gorgeous Fia today too it went really well. It was a long tiring day. Dave was due to pick me up at 5pm but he turned up at 4pm and announced he was off to the hospital........ More worry. He had a couple of moments through the day where his left eye had gone blurry he thought it was his glasses but no it was his eye, so he phoned his docs and they wanted to see him asap he went down and they sent him to hospital, so off we went. We were seen really quickly. Turns out his blood is clotting so hes now on aspirin and we have to go back on Monday for ultrasound to see what they can see. Poor Dave :(

hope your all well

love c x x x

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