the journey ...

By sandfly07

Desert Rose

This plant thrives on neglect. When it flowers, it is only time it get attention at our place. To highlight only the flower, I reduce the vibrance and add a smidgen of highlights.

What is this plant called I once called out? Well according to the it says this following:
The desert rose (Adenium obesum) is a striking plant with swollen succulent stems and deep red flowers. The plant is deciduous in cooler winters, but it can be kept in leaf provided there is sufficient warmth and light water. There is no part of these plants that doesn't command interest, from the dramatically swollen stems on older plants to the bright flowers to the tight clusters of narrow, green leaves. Beware, though, the sap of the desert rose is poisonous and should never come into contact with children or pets. If you get sap on yourself while handling the plant, wash your hands immediately..

Well, did not know we had a dangerous plant in the garden :-0

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