At the Feeder # 2

Rosie: Oooh-eeerrrrr!

Posie: O...M...G... I can't believe it.

Rosie: A brand spanking new feeder! For us!

Posie: I know .. she spends that much time with those blankety blank kookaburras, I thought she'd forgotten all about us.

Rosie: What do you reckon?

Posie: It's great - and it won't get too hot, not like that metal thing she put up. Appalling it was. My poor little feet.

Rosie: Let's give it a big tick of approval - I know what we can do, we'll let her point that black and grey thing at us, and click to her heart's content.

Posie: She'll like that.

Brighter colours

And she said: Not the best image of these two I've ever posted, but they do love their new feeder.

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