Big Garden Bird Watch 2014

It's that time again. The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch Weekend.

I settled down in a comfy chair, with a great view of the garden and bird table, cup of coffee in hand. And Sparkie decided to come and help. She sat by the window. I know she can't get at the birds but I don't think it helped. Even Blue, the naughty youngster from next door, decided to come for a wander round.

After about a half hour of unusual bird absence, I decided to give up for now and go out and tidy the borders.

No sooner had I gone out than lots of the regulars came - checking that I'd filled up the feeders and put out new mealworms. Well, they might as well make the most of this annual event.

The photo is of two chaffinches. The one on the left isn't very good at feeding from the bird table but is practising whenever she can. The rather smug male behind her has no trouble, and I think she's been copying him.

This afternoon has been a waste of time for more bird observations.. The heavens opened, thunder and lightning and hailstones. According to the TV, the Burton Albion game has been put back until 4.00 (and that's just down the road)

(I would post a link but the RSPB are having problems with their website and they're asking us to go back tomorrow by which time they will have sorted it.)

Have any Blippers had any success in making sourdough ? I've followed Paul Hollywood's instructions meticulously and so far I have thrown out one heavyweight Frisbee and two other odd attempts. Flavour is good but it's all too heavy....Suggestions ?

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