Calmed down a bit.

This is the walk off White Coombe near Moffat.

The weather forecast was not up to much, and it was raining when we left the cars near the waterfall, but we all decided to trog up the hill anyway. On top the horizontal hail led me to cower in the lea of the biggest guy in the group and leave the navigating to the lads. The weather would have made a great blip, but the thought of taking my mitts off to get my camera out of my bag put me right off.

Once we got back down below the cloud we found our path was blocked by a river in full spate. There may have been stepping stones under the rushing water, but I wasn't going to risk it. So we contoured round the hill till we found a steep wet grassy slope and I ended up bum sliding most of it.

A ran us back to Edinburgh and after a hot bath, a hot drink and hot food I am finally thawed out.

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