
The stormy weather is back. It was a wet and windy night, but today turned out mostly dry with high winds.
I worked in the tunnel mostly where it was noisy but warm. I got it all tidied up, ready to plant more potatoes as soon as they have chitted, and with space ready for the things I'll be sowing in plug trays this week.
We finally got the doors fixed too so hopefully the chickens wont get in there again to wreak their havoc.

In the late afternoon I went to down to the long beach for a walk and a look at the raging sea. The wind hadn't abated at all, and was much colder. I had a walk then I set off to drive to the next door beach, which is a bit more sheltered, to take some photos. But before I had left the car park - clunk, the clutch went.

I had to wait a good while for rescue and amused myself in the meantime with the tripod, huddled into the shelter of the rocks counting long exposures and watching the low tide turn.

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