Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Waiting game

Taking turns.
Lots of activity on the feeders this morning.
Sightings of all the regulars, Bluetits, Coaltits, Chaffy's and a Sparrow.

Earlier this morning there was a visitor to the feeders in the form of a lovely grey wagtail.
Wagtails are not regular visitors, same with the Robin who pops by sometimes but has yet to stay long enough to get on camera!

Both of these birds are attracted to the worms, sadly the dish was empty when the Wagtail appeared - and shamefully the windows were filthy - hence the rubbish shot in the folio....

First seen almost a year ago - and not, as written then, a regular

Wagtail on roof

The feeders are very high up in the building and both Robins and Wagtails are mainly ground feeders (I think) so it's wonderful to catch a sighting at all.

The windows got cleaned and the worm supply was replenished and shortly after, a little Bluetit appeared. They don't usually seem interested in the worms but this one flew off with one in beak.
On the sticks

Incidentally the reason the worms are disappearing so fast was revealed a few days ago....a little mouse was feasting itself on the lower dishes.

not so wee and definitely not timrous...
At least it's not in the kitchen!

A good afternoon in Glasgow later, in spite of dismal weather.

Happy Burns night !!!

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