And it Rained

As forecast, the rain started in the early morning hours. And it rained and it poured. And the wind blew and blew making it miserable for those in tents. Of course we were cosy and dry in the caravan.
Margaret had taken Alpha and Adam to the Airport in Nelson yesterday and had collected Steve, her partner. Emily is really chuffed to have her Daddy staying with us and took him on a tour of inspection of the camp after they arrived late last night.
Our second son Alex and wife Hannah have very recently bought land over the hill in Marahau. I was to have visited them on the property this morning. They had started clearing gorse from part of their access-way yesterday and had camped in their van overnight. The heavy rain halted their work this morning so they drove to the Park Café at the entrance of the Abel Tasman National Park. We drove over the hill to the café and met up with them there. The Park Café is one of my best-loved cafes in New Zealand.
The rain was torrential and was drumming on the roof of the café and pouring down the windows. I captured several images of the rain pouring down the windows… It made for some pretty patterns with the trees and wetland vegetation seen through the glass.
There were a number of would-be trampers sheltering in the café. They were hoping for a break in the weather. It started to clear after so maybe they got lucky and were able to start out on their treks into the Abel Tasman.

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