Time takes a cigarette...

These never dark streets,
Hard rivers on whose banks,
Golden lights invite.

The sign bids us stop,
Listen to the ebb and flow,
Before returning.

What a day! Travelled up to London to meet Tash and have a lovely lunch at a turkish place by the Globe theatre .... then on to Tate Modern to see the Paul Klee exhibition ... about which all I can say is WOW!

I first came across Klee through a book my Dad had which I used to leaf through.... drawn to his work and use of colour. This exhibition revealed so much more about this remarkable artist.

I had always imagined the paintings to be large canvases, but they are mostly very small and incredibly intricate and exquisite in detail which you can't really see until you get very close. Although the geometry and rigour is always tempered by natural forms and allowing the making process the leave its own marks, so the work becomes immediate and personal as well as being supremely well composed. I can't explain very well ... but it really showed him to be a major influence on everything done since.

He was so inventive in the way he painted, the materials he used to paint with and on, and the way he created his own methods and tools. Often working on several works at once, he was able to change style and direction when that's they way his inspiration took him.

I was reading the catalogue on the way home and discovered that he was actually ambidextrous .... he drew and painted with his left hand and wrote with his right.....

Anyway I won't ramble on here ... but if you are in the vicinity of London I would strongly recommend going to the exhibition .... I am seriously considering going again as I haven't stopped thinking about it since ...

After all this we met up with Adrian and Sue (aka 55daisies) for a welcome drink at the The Alice House pictured above ... then after a strong cocktail, followed by a strong cup of coffee ... I floated off to get the train home ... looking forward to some reading time ... but alas... a tree on the line meant no trains .... except no-one announced that until we'd been waiting for 30 minutes ... so had to quickly come up with a way to get to somewhere nearby and luckily Mark was able to come and pick me up .... rather stressful, but at least I got some reading time....

Time takes a cigarette

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