The Dr Who Fan.

My grandson Joseph was thrilled to come across the Tardis and a Dalek. I was out shopping with my daughter and her children as they had some Christmas money to spend. This was in a games shop. The TARDIS, so called, is an abbreviation of 'Time And Relative Dimension In Space.' In the shape of a 1960's Police Box, it is a time machine and spacecraft. A product of advanced technology by the Time Lords, an extraterrestrial civilisation. DALEKS are cyborgs, the armoured, mutated descendants of the KALEDS from the planet SKARO. The word DALEKS is an anagram of KALEDS. I expect all Dr Who fans know that already !! Then off to buy a decent guitar for granddaughter Delyth, who has been learning to play. She saved up to pay for half and I bought her a case. She is very keen to learn and also sings very well. Then out for Sunday lunch. By the way, Joseph's sleeves should be turned up, but he says he likes them down !

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