
By Purplepants


I was bought a new present today! :-)

...a new Kindle with a posh cover and everything... - a paperwhite one. Fred bought it as a surprise from Waterstones whilst I was browsing and didn't tell me till I got home.

We went to the book shop because we had holed up in the house all day yesterday (and in my case most of Friday too) and needed to get out. The rain would not let up and walking in the rain for the sake of it didn't seem like a good idea.

I thought I'd get a copy of 'Philomena' having seen the film. I wanted the book as it has a lot of photos which I wanted to be able to see clearly and my older style kindle doesn't display them that well.
I have read a lot over the last two nights as I have been restless with the cold but it means I have to have the light on which Fred has stoically put up with.
But now he won't have to!

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