Trading Places!

I don't usually resort to blips of myself or screen grabs but I couldn't resist this one.
This morning BBC East Midlands were in Bakewell as there is an issue with a proposed sound barrier around the livestock market.
I was speaking on behalf of the town council and our opposition to the barrier on its cost and the appearance that a 5m barrier will have on our town.
There were a few people living close to it that had objected to the noise from the market, but there are far more residents who are against it as it will have a detrimental outlook from their gardens, as Diane whose house we were in said, 'the Berlin wall was only 3.7m high'.
Anyway I did my piece and lo and behold when it appeared on the news I have now become John Brocklehurst Local businessman and owner of Bakewells premier country wear shop, Brocklehursts!
I would imagine that John is now Mayor of Bakewell....

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