The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Heading home ..

After a bit of a lie-in .. and a BATH (we don't have one at home) I headed back to Hull. It was vile and rainy when I left my sister's, but the weather improved a bit and I decided to head for Harewood to see if I could spot any kites.

I found an amazing spot where four kites were flying around and kept coming down to the road .. but sadly there were too many twiggy trees in my way - so here's a slightly grainy photo from a bit further away.

The tags on his wings mean he was born in 2003 in the East Midlands, I think.

It you ever see a tagged kite - you can check its tags here.

Then to pick mum up from the care home. One of the residents had decided to lie down in the corridor and refused to move - screaming and shouting and kicking and swearing at everyone who went near her.

Eventually she was man handled into a wheelchair - and as she was pushed past mum and me (who were waiting to go home!) she smacked mum in the face with her slippers.

I'm told she's been given notice to leave. For everyone else's sakes I'm glad - but where do people like her end up, I wonder?

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