But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Another Fungus.

I managed to enter my birdwatch figures on the RSPB web-site this evening, the site was excessively busy yesterday, and they had the audacity to question the number of sparrows we saw. Well, I've counted them - and Mrs TD's counted them, and we can't make the total any different.

We found out that it was Meg's birthday today, but not until after she'd been returned home. Mrs TD collected a wonderful painting from Mrs Meg, a commission for a present to herself's sister for her birthday in a few months time. Both the girls have always been fond of the photograph. I have copied it just for our record, it proved difficult to match the colours but the final result isn't too bad. It is a copy of one of herself's shots (she's always had a good eye for a picture, even when I first knew her and she was touting an instamatic). The small boy is a pre-school Jnr and the lady in the middle is my late mother-in law, the small boy is now in his 30s. I have to report that the artist has moved the figures around to improve the composition; I receive a severe reprimand when I use Photoshop to do that, people think I'm cheating.

The blip is of a fungus on a pine tree in a small plantation where we walk the dogs.
This may be the drab tooth fungus (Bankera fuligineoalba)?

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