Kevin's take on life

By KevinV

Mr Plow

Mr Plow wakes me in the night

Mr Plow plows my car in before I leave for work

Mr Plow slows my drive

Mr Plow makes it safe for me to drive .

This is is a big thanks to all the hard working men and women cleaning our streets and roads safe to drive !

This morning I was awaken from from. A deep sleep by the sounds of snow plows moving down the street. I left for for work thinking once a few centimeters of snow fell turns out it was like 10cm on the ground. The ride in then to work slowed to a crawl as traffic drove slow in the snow. I was able to capture these plows coming by as I was not moving on my side of the road .

I would like to put out a big thanks to everyone's comments and stars for my chickadee yesterday very much appreciated !

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