aging hippy

By aginghippy

A Perfect Day for ....

...... taking photographs through the window of the berries as the rain pours down.
What a contrast from yesterday's perfect fall day.

Woke up this morning thinking the turkey vultures were clomping around on the roof again in their hob-nailed boots only to realize that it was rain drops. Well not drops really more like rain bricks !

So log on to Digital Photography School , learn about taking photographs in the pouring rain only to find out it meant going outside :-)) Ignored everything I learned as I decided to stay indoors as I swear I saw an Ark float by where the country road used to be.

Experimented with taking photographs through an open window. Had to close the window because, for some reason unbeknownst to me, Margaret seemed to think that creativity shouldn't involve getting the carpet soaked !

Experimented with taking photographs through a closed window. Changed lenses , forgot I'd closed said window, banged head on window, causing me to accidentally trigger strobe light resulting in temporary blindness and pulled shoulder muscle as I tripped over camera cord.

" Hope the camera's ok " says Margaret followed by a swift " And can't you do anything without making such a noise ? "

Made mistake of saying how much I was enjoying retirement and spending all this quality time together !!
Spending rest of the day planning a long trip to a somewhere a long way away ... See, Margaret's so kind to me she even suggested that I go alone and concentrate on my Camera, Books and Music .......

Oh yes, Hope you enjoy the photograph.


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