
Tell me Mr. Vortex, or may I call you Polar? No. Very well. Tell me Mr. Vortex, how does it feel to cause the suffering of millions?

Uhm, don't blame me, I am only following orders from the jet stream, which takes its orders from La Niña.

I see, but you seem to rather be enjoying it, judging by your frequent visits and reluctance to depart for good. If I may be so blunt, Mr. Vortex, I think I speak for the entire Midwest, Southwest, Southeast and Northeast when I make my kind request for you to F off. You have officially overstayed your welcome.

*no response other than a sly grin*

Note to self- I could turn down the whole house humidifier and lessen the amount of ice that forms on the inside of the windows but that will electrify all the moving, living beings and cause the cat severe distress.*

*How lucky am I that that is my worst concern. Please please please let everyone have some place to be safe and warm.

PS. I think I'm in love am in love with Hal.

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